银 - 氯化银(Ag-AgCl)油墨的标准和定制配方包括各种比例的银和氯化银。SHAREX善仁新材能够满足特定客户对灵敏度和电导率的需求,以生产用于生物医学监测,诊断应用和医疗传感器。
Silver-Silver Chloride (Ag-AgCl) AS5908 Inksstandard and custom formulations of silver-silver chloride (Ag-AgCl) inks include various ratios of silver and silver chloride.
SHAREX silver-silver chloride inks that are resistant to aggressive chemistries, including methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), demonstrate a resistance to creasing and scratching, and are compatible with high salt content hydrogels.