来源:善仁(浙江)新材料科技有限公司 时间:2025-02-14 20:20:39 [举报]
银 - 氯化银(Ag-AgCl)油墨的标准和定制配方包括各种比例的银和氯化银。SHAREX善仁新材能够满足特定客户对灵敏度和电导率的需求,以生产用于生物医学监测,诊断应用和医疗传感器。
SHAREX善仁新材的银 - 氯化银导电油墨适用于丝网印刷,移印,注射器分配,浸渍和喷涂以及柔版和轮转凹版印刷方法,可应用于各种基材,如聚酰亚胺,PEEK,PET ,聚碳酸酯和玻璃。
SHAREX are able to meet specific customers' needs for sensitivity and conductivity for producing medical sensors used in biomedical monitoring, diagnostic applications and iontopheretic drug delivery.
SHAREX‘S silver-silver chloride electrically conductive inks are suitable for application by screen printing, pad printing, syringe dispensing, dipping and spraying as well as by flexographic and rotogravure printing methods and can be applied to a variety of substrates such as polyimide, PEEK, PET, polycarbonate and glass.
AS5906银/氯化银导电油墨的一些应用包括但不限于聚酰亚胺柔性电路、聚合物厚膜电路、薄膜开关、电气附件、医疗电极和静电消除的 EMI/RFI 屏蔽。